Thursday, November 6, 2008

Garlic Herb Steak

As the Cannibal said, my reactions to this were a little different from his. First, it must be said, I like things that have the essence of garlic, so... vampires and potential dates be warned. I will agree that this marinade was probably meant for chicken.

I think the garlic herb really complimented the steak. It did not overpower the natural flavor, but it was definitely THERE. Unlike steak brushed with garlic butter (such as what you get at a lot of your chain sit-down places) it wasn't overpowering at the beginning of the bite but gone by the time you've had a chance to savor it. It was a nice slow release of moderate flavor for the duration. I'm not sure if that description was goofy or creepy, in retrospect.

Now for the meat (haha, see what I did there? steak... meat...) of the review... the scoring.
For my judgements, I'm going to be using the Rochter (pronounced Rock-ter) scale, because steak is so epic that it can only be measured in geological frame of reference. First I have to set my baselines.

0.0 - Bad steak. Either burnt horribly or still raw. This does nothing for me.
4.0 - Standard fare expected at most sit-down places. You can feel the tremors from this.
5.0 - Basic no-frills steak, properly prepared. Careful, the awesome makes for treacherous footing.
8.0 - Awesome marinade/spices, proper preparation. Wooo-eee, whole lotta shakin goin on!
10.0 - This is the Big One. I mean, Mississippi-river-flowing-backward-California-becoming-an-island type thing.

One thing to keep in mind is, we've been at this for a while, but the Blog is new. So, we have some ratings for older marinades on here. Perhaps as time permits we will go back and do write-ups on them, though for some it has been a while. It would be a shame to have to eat even more steak to cover ground that we already have... Ok, I can't really say that with a straight face.

Ratings so far:
-A1 Mesquite: 8.0
-A1 Chicago: 6.5
-A1 New York: 5.4
-A1 New Orleans: 5.5
-A1 Traditional: 7.0
-Newman's Mesquite: 7.0
-Newman's Garlic Herb: 7.5
-Jack Daniels Mesquite: 6.0

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