Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Results Are In - Allegro Spicy Cajun Marinade

Gotta say, I just wasn't feeling this one. The flavor here wasn't bad, but it was a pretty dry taste. Perry stated that it smelled like beef jerky, and to be honest, the taste definitely kinda invoked that. Now hey, I love beef jerky, but you know what I eat to get my jerky feel? BEEF JERKY!
However I digress, and I am being a little harsh maybe. The fact remains though, that this marinade did not make me relish the fact that I was eating steak. In fact I even left a couple of bites, a sin amongst our steak-loving kind. Overall, I could do without this and covered up as much as I could with A-1. However, it did have a good spicy taste to it, that did invoke some burning mouth sensation. I'm a fan of spicy foods, just now in retrospect, I think they have their place elsewhere.

3/10 (Just not my flavor)

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