Friday, November 28, 2008

The Results Are In: KC Masterpiece Edition

Before anything, I would like to give a shout-out to Turkey Day, a holiday wisely devoted to food and in particular, the near mythic beast called the Turkey, which is one of the 2 greatest proofs that murder is indeed delicious. However, that's not why we're here is it? No, we're here for the other of those 2 proofs.

I enjoyed the flavor the KC Masterpiece marinade, I don't know if it was quite a barbecue taste or a mesquite, somewhere in the middle I think, blurring the lines of flavor definition. However, I must concur with Perry here. The taste didn't feel thorough, or consistent all the way through. Many of the previous marinades have done a better job of making the steak itself very tender, almost falling apart at times, but dense with flavor in every bite. Here the steak felt like its normal consistency (wonderful mind you) but the amount of flavor varied with every bite. So yes I liked the taste, but maybe not a great marinade choice. I would have expected more from a 24 hour soak. Maybe as more of a brush taste.

Above average though, straddling that line between a 6 and 7. I'll say 7 for effort, 5 for execution, so that averages to 6/10.

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